Report Editor

See also: User Interface


Topic Menu

Report Editor

This feature allows the OCS to be configured to generate text printouts which incorporate data from the register/array elements embedded in the text. The reports can be printed using a serial interface printer through any of the serial ports of the OCS or can be saved to the removable media of the device.

Note: Currently only text-based reports are supported. Up to 48 individual reports can be configured.


Accessing the Report Editor

The Report Editor can be accessed one of two ways:

  • Option A: Through the Home Menu > Data > Reports

  • Option B: The Project Navigator: Home Menu > Project Navigator > User Interface > Reports


Creating a Report

Open the Report Editor by selecting Reports from the Programs Ribbon. It can also be opened using the Project Navigator.

Project Navigator > User Interface > Report


Report Editor Toolbar Buttons

  • To Configure a printer

  • To Configure Trigger Bit

  • Create a new Report

  • Delete currently selected report (after confirmation)

  • Select Previous Report/Next Report. Move through the reports in the program.

  • Insert a new line/ Delete a line at the cursor position

  • Cut/Copy/Paste. Standard windows functionality.

  • Data is saved to the clipboard in text format allowing easy transfer to other applications.

  • Launch Context Help


‘Text’ menu when undocked (fix) Animation Toolbar buttons


Tool / Icon


To embed and configure Numeric Data in the report.
To embed and configure Timer Data in the report.
To embed and configure ASCIIClosed ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - ASCII-coded characters are single-byte values in the range of 0 (zero) to 127. Codes in the range 128 to 255 are not defined by the ASCII standard, but rather by the equipment manufacturer. Data in the report.
To embed and configure Text Table Data in the report.
To embed and configure Time Data in the report.


Report Editor Menu Bar


File Menu

New Report

To create a new report

Delete Report

To delete the current report

Previous Report

To display the previous report

Next Report

To display the next report

Configure Printer

To configure the printer

Control Registers

To configure the trigger bits for a report


To exit the Report Editor


Configuring a Printer

In Report Editor > File Menu > Configure Printer or select Printer Icon.

Selecting either of these opens the Configure Printer dialog:

Paper Format

  • Lines Per Page: 1-240

  • Characters Per Line: 10-132

  • Form Feed at End of Report: When checked will cause a form feed command to be sent to the printer once the report has been printed.

  • Carriage Return: When checked will cause a carriage return command to be sent to the printer once the report has been printed.

Printout Medium

  • The user can select the Printout Medium as desired from the drop-down list: 

  • Select an available Serial Port or Removable Media. Cscape lists all the available serial ports in the drop-down depending on the model selected in the Hardware Configuration.


Port Details

When serial port is selected as the Printout Medium, Baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, Line Delay (0-200ms) and flow control are configurable from the drop-down lists. Refer to printer setup for appropriate values.

The line delay allows a pause to occur for every line printed to the printer. This gives time for the printer to print the line and reset its (possessive form) print head to the start of the line. This can be useful if the OCS controller serial port selection or the printer does not support a busy (CTS) signal.


File Name

When Removable Media is selected as the printout medium, a file name needs to be provided to which the printout text will be stored on the removable media. File and directory names are limited to the 8.3 convention. This is 8 characters for the name and 3 characters for an extension with a period (.) separating them.

Append File

When checked, the file will be appended if already present in the Removable Media. Otherwise all data will be overwritten.


Control Register / Array Elements

From Report Editor > File Menu > Control Registers.

Trigger Bit - When this bit/variable is enabled, the report is printed or saved in the Removable media as per the configuration.

Note: The Firmware will reset/clear the bit once the print is over.

Report Status Register/Array element - Provides the status of report generation.

The following status codes may be reported:

Value (Decimal)



Removable Media (RM) Bad Format


No RM card


Bad RM card


RM card changed


Unknown Error with RM


RM Suspended


RM Suspending


Selected Serial Port Cannot Open


Printing or writing to CF is in progress


Make Directory Error


File Open Error


File Create Error


Card Full


Print Complete



Edit Menu

Cut To cut the embedded data from OCS register/array elements
Copy To copy the embedded data from OCS register/array elements
Paste To paste the embedded data from OCS register/array elements
Insert Line To insert a new line into the report
Delete Line To delete the current line from the current report
Embedded Data

To embed different types of data into the report, see ‘Text’ menu when undocked (fix) Animation Toolbar buttons for more details.

  • Numeric

  • Timer

  • AlphaNumeric

  • Time Data

  • Text Table



View Menu

Main Toolbar To enable/disable Main Toolbar
Live Text To enable/disable Live Text Toolbar
Status Bar To enable/disable Status Bar



About Report Editor: This selection pops up the Report Editor dialog that contains the Report Editor Version number.

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